Legal & firm information
Satis Tax Limited is registered in England. Company registration number: 11514922
Registered address: 45 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5JG
A list of directors is available for inspection at the firms’ registered office.
Legal Documents
The documents available below apply (unless separately agreed in writing) to those who receive services from us or who are seeking to do so (“our Clients”), or who are otherwise connected to our Clients. These conditions apply in addition to those for the use of our website. Where any conflict arises between the terms of our website statement and this statement the terms contained in this statement shall prevail.
Satis Tax T&C
Satis Tax Privacy Notice
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Our lead professional indemnity insurer is Axis Specialty Europe SE, 4th Floor Plantation Place South 60 Great Tower Street, London, EC3R 5AZ. The territorial coverage is worldwide but with some coverage restrictions on claims brought in the USA or Canada.
Complaints Procedure
We try to ensure that we handle your affairs in the most efficient way possible. If you are dissatisfied with any part of our service please tell us. If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, which cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, the circumstances of your complaint should be brought to the attention of our Compliance Principal by email or by telephone 01923 232938.
We undertake to look into any complaint carefully and promptly and to do all we can to explain the position to you. If we do not answer your complaint to your satisfaction, you may take up the matter with our professional body, the ICAEW, at Metropolitan House, 321 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 2FZ.